Drama is a popular subject at Hilbre and we offer a wide range of opportunities for students of all ages to get involved. All Key Stage 3 students study Drama each week, and learn skills such as improvisation, team work, theatre design and script work. Drama is an extremely popular choice at GCSE. We also have large numbers of students studying Drama at A Level.
Drama lessons include a wide range of activities such as mask work, devising, Greek Theatre, set design and script writing. Students will investigate different theatre styles in order to deepen their knowledge of the subject and develop the quality of their work.
Students of all ages are invited to take part in Drama visits, and trips are frequently organised. There are many opportunities for extracurricular activities for students of all ages; for example, students in Years 7 to 13 are invited to take part in our school musical productions as actors, musicians, dancers, designers or technical assistants. Both Drama studios are always busy and productive with different students rehearsing most evenings and lunchtimes.
Revision tasks on Show my Homework
Support & Extra Curricular Opportunities
- Year 7 and 8 Weekly Drama Club.
- Whole school show rehearsals.
- Theatre Trips regularly planned for all year groups.
- After school practical rehearsals for devising and Year 11 practical script exam.
- Lunchtime portfolio catch up sessions.
- Drama Studios are available to rehearse at lunch for all year groups, with prior arrangement with Drama teacher.
- After School Extra Revision for written exam will commence in March.