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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Change to the length of lunch and end of the school day

July 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

Re:  Change to the length of lunch and end of the school day

As your child/ward starts at Hilbre High School in September 2017, we write to advise you that there has been a change to the timing of the school lunch and the end of the school day.

Dear Parent/Carer

Re:  Change to the length of lunch and end of the school day

As your child/ward starts at Hilbre High School in September 2017, we write to advise you that there has been a change to the timing of the school lunch and the end of the school day.

The Governors have agreed, with effect from September 2017, that the school lunch period will be 40 minutes long, ie. commencing at 1.30pm and finishing at 2.10pm.  Period 5 will directly follow with the school day finishing at 3.10pm.

Can we reassure you that all students will be able to get their lunch within this time period and that we will provide after school opportunities for homework club and other extra-curricular activities which we encourage your child/ward to participate in; this will avoid the need of any early pick-ups.

School buses have been notified of this change.

Yours faithfully

Mr M Bellamy                                                  Mr G Kemp

Headteacher                                                 Chair of Governors