Careers Update

On Friday 25th November, Hilbre High School Humanities College was awarded the ‘Career Connect Quality Award for Excellence in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, Work Related Learning and Enterprise.’
This award includes a regional quality award in addition to the highest possible national quality award for careers Information, advice, guidance and work related learning. This kite mark builds on the very positive LEA inspection report on careers provision in school in March 2016 and the June 2016 Ofsted report, which rated the careers education and guidance at Hilbre High Scholl as being excellent and preparing learners well for their next steps. The award was made after submission of a very detailed portfolio of evidence, school tour, interviews with the schools full-time Careers Development and Guidance Co-ordinator, Fran Trought, key members of staff and pupils from all year groups. Inspectors were particularly impressed with the conduct and articulate information pupils were able to provide. These pupils were described as a credit to Hilbre High School Humanities College by the inspector. Francis Trought.