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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Coronavirus: School is fully open

Update 5th March 2020:  Please see below, the text of the letter we have sent to the Parents and Carers of our students, on Thursday.

5th March 2020:

Dear Parent/Carer
Following my decision to close the school, the school has undergone two days of thorough cleaning and will re-open on Friday 6th March 2020 for staff and students.

We have been assured by Public Health England (PHE) and Wirral Council that it is safe to do so and that there is no information to suggest there is an increased health risk to any students, staff or their families. Since the decision was taken to close, I have been in frequent communication with the Department for Education.

With this in mind we look forward to seeing all students on Friday, ready to start lessons promptly at 8.45am. We have spoken to transport providers and all buses will be running as usual.

I would like to remind you that when a person tests positive for Coronavirus, Public Health England speaks to them to identify anyone who has had close contact with them during the time they are considered to be infectious and go all out to find these people as soon as possible and give them the advice they need. If you haven’t been contacted by Public Health England you don’t need to do anything, other than follow the existing advice for the general public. We, therefore, expect all students and staff to be present on Friday 6th March. As the national guidance says that there is ‘no increased risk’ we will be unable to authorise any student absence relating to this situation, unless they have been instructed by Public Health England. If this is the case, then we would ask you to notify school as soon as you can.

We appreciate that there will be some of our school community that are still worried. If this is the case students, parents/carers and staff can contact the new Department for Education helpline who will be able to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education:

• Phone: 0800 046 8687

• Email:

• Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) There is a lot of advice on how people can protect themselves online at

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the parental body for the many messages of support at this time.

Yours faithfully

Mr Mark Bellamy Headteacher


Below is a copy of the letter we sent to Parents and Carers of our students on Wednesday 4th March:

Dear Parent/Carer
Many thanks for your support yesterday in ensuring students went home quickly and calmly. School is being thoroughly cleaned today and tomorrow, including the kitchens. Teachers have been busy putting work on Show My Homework, and although school is closed, it is important to remember that this is not a holiday. Could parents and carers please check that students are completing the work set. We will be re-opening on Friday 6th March 2020.

The cleaning programme will be complete and we look forward to a full school return. We want to continue to reassure you that this has simply been a precautionary measure.

The family concerned are continuing to follow advice and guidance from the relevant national agencies.

We will provide further information about the return to school tomorrow. Kind regards.

Yours faithfully

Mr M Bellamy - Headteacher



Following the Headteacher’s decision to close the school, the school will undertake two days of deep cleaning and will re-open on Friday 6th March 2020 for staff and students.  The Headteacher wrote to all parents and carers to explain his decision and arrangements, including returning on 6th March.

The decision taken is a precautionary measure to allow for thorough school cleaning to take place and to ensure the safeguarding of the students and staff.

After the thorough cleansing process has taken place, students and staff will return to school, as normal, on Friday 6th March 2020.

We wish to clarify that the action taken is not at all related to the school ski trip.

Mr Mark Bellamy - Headteacher                     Mr Mike Cockburn - Chair of Governors