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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School


Developing Global Citizens of the 21st Century:
As part of Hilbre High School’s over-arching goal to make our students global citizens of the 21st Century, our aim is to specifically develop our students’ social and moral responsibility, political literacy and community involvement. We do this by not only teaching them in the traditional sense about symbols and structures of life and our democratic system, but also by developing their skills of debating, listening, thinking, research and leadership.




Year 7

Year 8






Identities and Diversity

Students will examine and begin to develop and appreciation of how identities are complex, can change over time and are informed by different understandings of what it means to be a citizen of the UK.
They will explore the diverse national, regional, ethnic and religious cultures, groups and communities in the UK and the connections between them.

Government and Democracy

Students will examine and begin to develop an appreciation of the concept of a democratic society, the roles of local and national government, and the role citizens can take with the political system in the UK.
They will examine the role of political parties, the system of elections, the role of government and opposition, and cabinet decision making.






Europe and the Commonwealth

Students will begin to consider the interconnections between the UK and the rest of Europe and the wider world, and begin to explore community cohesion and the different forces that bring about change in communities over time.

NB: Materials are updated as the ‘Brexit’ situation develops.

Human Rights

Students will explore different kinds of rights and obligations, and how these affect both individuals and communities. They will begin to develop an understanding that individuals, organisations and governments have responsibilities to ensure that rights are balanced, supported and protected. They will investigate ways in which rights can compete and conflict, and begin to develop an understanding that hard decisions have to be made to try to balance these.






Environmental Issues

 Students will examine and begin to develop an appreciation of the actions that individuals, groups and organisations can take to influence decisions affecting communities and the environment.   Students will also have opportunities to evaluate individual and collective actions that contribute to sustainable practices, and consider the different ethical implications of actions, policies and behaviour.

Law and the Justice System

 Students will consider the roles of law and the justice system and how they relate to young people. This includes: the role that citizens can take within the justice system in the UK, that justice is fundamental to a democratic society, the role of law in maintaining order and resolving conflict, and the concepts of fairness and rule of law as part of justice.


SAM Learning

Support & Extra Curricular Opportunities

Eco-Club – Thursday lunchtimes with CBO.