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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School


In this section we will try to answer the most popular questions asked by students and parents during transition

Check this page regularly for updates. You can probably find the answers to a lot of questions within the Hilbre website.

  • How do you choose what form students go into? Will I be with my friends?

There is a lot of work that goes into placing students in a form group. All primary schools have shared detailed information about their Year 6 students. Once we have all the information we meet to carefully select which student goes into a form. This is based on a variety of information and is a long and detailed process but we are very careful in choosing groups. We try to put students with other students from their primary school, but this is not always possible.

  • What if I don't want to go into that form?

We do not change forms at this point. We expect students to attend on the first day in these form groups. Moving one student has a large impact on lots of other students. We evaluate the forms after an initial period but changing form group is extremely rare. You need to trust us. We have been doing this successfully for many years!

  • Can you use your phone?

You cannot use your phone in any building. It must be switched off and away. At break or lunchtime you can use your phone outside but must not use the camera function. Any student found using their phone in the building will have it confiscated until the end of day.

  • What happens if I get lost?

You will get lost, probably many times at first. Anyone in our school community will be happy to help you find your way. Teachers know this happens and will allow for this at the beginning.

  • What colour tie do I buy?

The Year 7 tie for 2024/25 will have a RED line (current academic year 2023/24 has a GREEN line in it) to denote Year 7. Our uniform suppliers are all aware of the correct uniform required. At Hilbre, each year group has a different colour tie; this helps to distinguish between year groups, so if you get lost you can look for someone with the same colour tie.

  • How many forms are there?

There are 8 forms in Year 7 with approximately 25 students in each form. Most secondary schools have larger form groups than this.

  • What language do Year 7 students learn?

This current year 2023/24, all Year 7 students will be learning Spanish. 2024/25 language to be confirmed.

  • Will students be taught in sets of forms?

Students will be taught predominantly in their form group to start. There will be some movement after baseline assessments have taken place early on in the autumn term.

  • What is the catchment area for the school?

The Local Authority uses a mapping system, based on Ordnance Survey maps, to measure the distance from your home to the school gate nearest to your home. The mapping system uses the shortest road route, unless it is possible to use a footpath which they consider a safe walking route.

If you have more questions pertaining to SEND, please click the SEND tab below.