Mental Health Provision Map
Hilbre High School: Supporting Mental Health Provision Map
Tier 0: Universal Level Support: Pastoral and Response to General ConcernsThese will be incidents which cause a child distress but do not seem to have a long-term or lasting impact on wellbeing. |
What are the concerns? |
Who should deal with this? |
What is our response? |
Expected outcome? |
Examples include: Minor illness such as headache or feeling sick
Pet death
Friendship problems, conflict, argument with parents/peers
Low level worry which needs reassurance, such as before changes/transition/tests
Short-term academic stress There is a past history of Mental Health concerns and student requires monitoring |
Form Tutor/Class Teacher/TA, alerting Pastoral Support/SENCO where necessary. |
Listen to child and reassure Tutor/Teacher/TA to support, monitor, report concerns to Pastoral Team. If required, Pastoral Report (SIMS Behaviour) to be completed.
Once informed, Pastoral Support to ensure those who need to be aware are made aware and that appropriate monitoring is in-place.
If serious concern, escalating up to a higher tier then notify using MyConcern.
If issue does not resolve itself, move up to Tier 1. In case of minor illness, Pastoral Support to speak to class teacher and use judgement about child trying to get through next lesson/morning/lunch. If child clearly needs to go home, to seek advice from School Nurse before calling parent to collect/advise/administer medication. |
Positive, supportive, restorative practice, leading to resolution of concerns. Students feeling safe and supported in school. Those interacting with students are aware of issues and offer appropriate support. Positive perception of self. Positive/resilient engagement and participation with learning. Where appropriate, Pastoral Team to consider whether possible ‘additional’ support is required, such as time in the Attendance Hub |
Tier 1: Universal Level Support - Response to low level incidences and concernsThese concerns are categorised as those which are longer term and are beginning to impact on the welfare and academic progress of the child. |
What are the concerns? |
Who should deal with this? |
What is our response? |
Expected outcome? |
Examples include: Sustained periods (one week, or a series of short periods) of not feeling able to cope/low mood.
Long term and repetitive friendship problems (over a term or more without resolution).
More significant anxiety in class or surrounding a specific element of school/home life, despite support from class teacher/TA.
Family concerns.
Bereavement of extended family (not parent/legal guardian/sibling).
Emotional response to an upsetting event, which causes a period of distress but which does not cause a specific safeguarding concern. |
Pastoral Team to support directly and advise Form Tutor/Class Teacher/TA, where appropriate. School Nurse to be informed. |
Ensure Form Tutor/Pastoral Team is aware of concern and can monitor
Pastoral Report completed to keep pastoral team informed or consider welfare/ safeguarding notification through MyConcern
Pastoral Team/Form Tutor to contact parents/legal guardians to discuss concerns.
Direct pastoral support from pastoral team, either short or longer term (parents/legal guardians should be informed of any direct support by Pastoral Team
SENCO consultation, where relevant Monitor and reflect whether further targeted support is required or whether support should be reduced |
Positive, supportive, restorative practice, leading to resolution of concerns.
Students feeling safe and supported in school.
Those interacting with students are aware of issues and offer appropriate support.
Positive perception of self.
Positive/resilient engagement and participation with learning. Where appropriate, Pastoral Team to consider whether possible ‘additional’ support is required, such as time in the Attendance Hub |
Tier 2: Targeted Support - Planned interventions in school to address mental health concernsA concern which is affecting the wellbeing and academic progress of the young person. This could be a long term concern over anxiety, mental health or depression. |
What are the concerns? |
Who should deal with this? |
What is our response? |
Expected outcome? |
Examples include:
Persistent low mood/ongoing emotional regulation difficulties/anxiety.
Attachment difficulties and triggered responses.
Bereavement of close family member (parent/legal guardian/sibling).
Historic abuse which causes legacy mental health distress.
Suspected eating disorders.
Risky behaviour.
Questioning gender identity or sexual orientation leading to any of the above (questioning gender identity/sexual orientation itself is not a mental health difficulty). |
Pastoral Team/DSL/ SENCO/SLT/School Nurse |
Pastoral Leadership or SLT to contact parents/legal guardians
Log concern on MyConcern – maintain confidentiality - do not log specific details as a Pastoral Report. Do log the MyConcern reference number as a Pastoral Report
In-school support/interventions with member of pastoral team whilst considering or awaiting external agency support.
External agency referrals to be considered by SENCO/SLT/pastoral team: Early Help (SWiS)/ CAMHS/NELFT School Health/Counselling/Young Carers/HSiS
TA/Form Tutor responsibility to monitor and report any concerns immediately through MyConcern |
Relevant intervention is identified and in place for the student, so that mental health is supported, potentially resulting in improved wellbeing and improved academic progress. |
Tier 3: Personalised Support - Professional referral to high level mental health concernsSerious and possibly life-threatening incidents which require professional intervention outside of school. |
What are the concerns? |
Who should deal with this? |
What is our response? |
Expected outcome? |
Examples include:
School refusal as a result of persistent low mood/ ongoing emotional regulation difficulties/anxiety.
Diagnosed anxiety disorder or depression.
Disclosure of incident of witnessed domestic abuse (physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect).
Disclosure of direct abuse (physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect).
Acute self-harm.
Suicide ideation or attempts. |
Report to DSL face to face immediately and follow up recording concerns through MyConcern. |
Direct immediate support from pastoral team member or SLT if a concern becomes apparent in school, removing child to safe place in school building to talk to an adult; DSL to consider appropriacy of contacting parents/legal guardians as soon as possible if incident occurs during the day (not waiting for end of school day).
If a disclosure is made, staff to follow Safeguarding policy.
DSL to consider consultation with social services, as appropriate.
Following any incident, DSL to consider a risk assessment on basis of safeguarding for suitability of child to be in school and consider positive handling plan, with parents/legal guardians.
SLT to consider reduced timetable, if appropriate, and in agreement with parents/legal guardians; Local Authority must be informed.
Work in tandem with external professionals to support student through school-based support, detailed in Tier 2. |
Professional intervention is in place for the student, so that mental health is supported, with the student on a pathway to recovery. |