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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust

Oak Trees is an exciting Wirral-based Multi Academy Trust consisting of 12 schools with shared values. We are excited to be the first secondary school to join the trust. 

What is Unique About Our Trust?

Our values: Respect - Collaboration - Inspiration

•Our teams work well together, support each other and treat each other with respect – the Trust is built on strong and positive relationships.

•We work together for the benefit of our families and staff, focusing on all areas – we are a team!

•We focus on best practice, sharing the good things, high quality training and support and challenge to inspire our staff and pupils – not imposing improvement.

•We believe strongly in the uniqueness of every school and its individuality - your curriculum, website, funding, uniform are your own!

•We are a Wirral Trust – great for staff, pupils and collaboration/helping each other

This website will provide you with information about our Trust and our academies, and will hopefully provide an insight into what Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust is all about, including how we support and improve our schools and staff, key policy documents and all about our MAT governance.   

We hope that all the information you will need is on the website, and would welcome any feedback or questions via the email address   



 Chief Executive Officer: Tony Lacey -

Chair of Trustees: Jane Owens -

Chief Operating Officer: Claire Jackson -

Business Support: Mandy Knowles -

School Improvement Lead: Claire Arnold -


Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust 
Unit 1 - First Floor Prenton Business Park,
Prenton Way, Prenton,
CH43 3EA
Tel: 0151 203 0935                                                                                   
Registered Number:  10641561